What were the circumstances that caused you to look for a Financial adviser?
I had just become self employed (via my own limited company) and therefore no longer had a workplace pension. I was looking to start my own private pension, through my company, and also take out life insurance. I also needed general financial advice.
How did Neal help you?
Neal was fantastic - explaining clearly and precisely exactly what I needed to do and offering a range of different product options at varying levels of potential risk and reward.
What is your current situation? Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?
I definitely have. I now have a pension that is growing nicely and slowly building towards retirement, along with my former workplace pension and state pension (both of which Neal keeps an eye on for me). I also have good life insurance at a level to protect my family. Neal is always available on the phone and email and we meet annually to review my products. I highly recommend.
What could they have done better?
As I had a set need - a pension, life insurance and general advice - which is been fulfilled in an informative and friendly manner, there's little I think Neal could have done better.